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Tips for fireworks stress with horses

Fireworks are regularly set off in the last weeks of December, not only on the 31st but often in the weeks before. Most horses are fortunately hardly scared if the fireworks are not very close, but unfortunately there are also horses that experience a lot of stress due to these bangs and flashes. In this blog we give tips on how to prevent fireworks stress and help your horse deal with this fear, so you can go into the new year together as relaxed as possible.

Stick to your horse's daily routines

Horses are used to a daily routine, where they get feed, exercise and attention at certain times. They also often go out with a regular pasture buddy or herd. Try to maintain this rhythm in the last weeks of the year, so that your horse can get support from this even at the turn of the year. You can also start by leaving the radio on in the stable at night so that the horses get used to it. The sound of the radio slightly drowns out the bangs of the fireworks.

Don't pay too much attention to the loud noice

Try not to overreact yourself when you hear a popping sound when you are with your horse. Stay calm and just get on with the business you were doing. You can of course reassure your horse, but try not to focus too much on it. If you suddenly react differently or tense up, your horse will take over from you more quickly.

As described earlier, most horses do not react violently to banging noises. It may also help for your fearful horse to put them together, or next to, a horse that has little fear. This way your anxious horse can seek support from the others, who actually have little to no reaction to the fireworks.

Start on time with a supplement against fireworks stress

Do you know about your horse that it does react very violently? Then you can give a calming supplement to support your horse such as PrimeVal StressLess Powder or PrimeVal StressLess® Liquid. These are long-acting supplements that you use daily to get the best results.

Start giving the supplement in time, so your horse can get used to it and you can also adjust the dosage in time where necessary. If necessary, you can increase the daily dose 5 days before the stressful situation.

Does your horse have acute stress from fireworks?

If you do not yet know how your horse reacts, you can always take a short-acting supplement that only works for a few hours.

PrimeVal StresssLess® Injector is a unique calming supplement that helps your horse relax. The calming herbs and nutrients in the paste reinforce each other, addressing the horse's stress sensitivity at multiple points. Ideal to give for short-term stress moments like the turn of the year. Spread the contents of the injector on the back of your horse's tongue (450 - 600 kg) at least 1 hour before the stress situation. Ponies can be administered half an injector.

PrimeVal StressLess® Pheromone Gel works on the principle of pheromones. Pheromones are bodily signal molecules widely used in animal communication. A mare gives off pheromones for several days after the birth of the foal to create a safe and calming environment around her. Adult horses also recognize these pheromones and give an instinctive, calming response as it causes a safe and secure feeling. Ideal to give for short-term stress moments like the turn of the year. The gel is simply applied to the base of the nostrils. Give 1 sachet of 5 ml 30 minutes before the stressful situation. This works for 2 to 2.5 hours and can then be repeated if desired.