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Stress, what does it do to your horse and what can you do about it?

If your horse is suffering from stress, it is very unpleasant for both the horse and you. Today's sport horses are very sensitive to stress. So it is a problem that many horse athletes have to deal with. But how can you best deal with this and help your horse?

What does stress do to your horse?

Stress is a reaction of the body to a stimulus or situation that causes tension. It usually occurs because the horse thinks its basic needs such as safety and health are at risk. This causes the horse to become more alert and react faster. After all, it remains a flight animal that wants to flee from its instinct when danger threatens.

In such a stressful situation, adrenaline is released just like in our case. This ensures that the body is ready to fight or flee. You can recognize stress in your horse by increased heart rate and breathing, trembling, cramped muscles, large nostrils, sweating, thin manure, frequent small puddles, gnashing of teeth, eye whites becoming visible and snoring/blowing.

Prolonged or frequent stress is not good for your horse's health and well-being. This can cause fatigued organs, an impaired immune system, nerve damage and the intestinal flora can become disrupted causing stomach ulcers. This can manifest itself in muscle problems, barn vices, aggressive behavior, lots of yawning, irregular stallioning, emaciation and disease or infection.

Stress is caused by several things. It can come from a traumatic experience from the past, housing, transportation, training, feeding, human emotions, genetic predisposition or new and exciting situations such as a competition or visit from the veterinarian, farrier or tans doctor. You naturally try to create as optimal a situation as possible for your horse so that he can relax. But sometimes exciting situations do arise where it can be pleasant for your horse to support him with a calming supplement. This may eventually make the exciting situations no longer a problem for your horse.

PrimeVal has several calming or relaxing supplements that work well for nervous or tense horses. You can use these long-term or only in a situation where you know your horse will be stressed. All supplements are doping-free and still keep the horse alert and able to perform optimally!

When to choose which product against stress for your horse?

PrimeVal StressLess powder is a natural, calming supplement that works well for nervous, hyperactive and tense horses. It gives the horse more relaxation in exciting situations without compromising alertness. The product provides mental support, giving the horse more confidence, better concentration and easier learning. The supplement should be given to your horse several days in a row for good results. You can also give this for a longer period if you are in a competition season, for example. 

PrimeVal StressLess liquid like the powder, is a natural, calming supplement for nervous, hyperactive and tense horses and intended for more long-term support. It contains hemp seed oil and ashwaganda, among other ingredients. You give it several days in a row for good results. It can be used during transport, change of environment, work situations such as training, competitions, etc. Since it is a liquid supplement, this product is quickly absorbed into the body and gives faster results than the powder. 

PrimeVal StressLess injector is an easy and quick to administer paste that is ideal for use during acute stressful moments. Examples include: transport, shaving, competition, vet/blacksmith visit or any other acute stressful situation.The horse stays calmer, maintains focus, is more alert and cooler in the head.In this way you help the horse become familiar with exciting situations that he would otherwise be stressed about.The paste should be administered 60 minutes before the stressful moment and is effective for about 3 hours.

PrimeVal StressLess Pheromone Gel is also a fast acting remedy to reduce stress in your horse in exciting situations. Examples include: transport, shaving, competition, vet/blacksmith visit or any other acute stressful situation. It contains body-own, reassuring pheromones that produce an instinctive, calming response in the horse as it feels secure and safe. You smear a little gel on your horse's nostrils. After half an hour of incorporation, it has a calming effect for about 2 hours. You can repeat this again if necessary to extend the working time.

If your horse has long-term behavioral problems due to stress, it is advisable to have a veterinarian conduct an examination to check for any damage in the body and/or to contact a behavior specialist.